Lentil Soup Recipe: Mediterranean Style

Lentil Soup Recipe: Mediterranean Style

Are you looking for a hearty and nutritious dish that captures the flavors of the Mediterranean? Look no further than this delicious lentil soup recipe. Lentils, with their high protein and fiber content, are a staple in Mediterranean cuisine and offer a wide range of health benefits.

In this article, we’ll guide you through the steps to create a Mediterranean-style lentil soup that will warm your soul and satisfy your taste buds. With Luna Grill’s commitment to quality ingredients and our passion for Mediterranean flavors, this recipe will become a favorite in your kitchen.

What Are the Health Benefits of Lentil Soup?

Lentil soup doesn’t just taste good; it’s also incredibly good for you. Lentil soup offers numerous health benefits and is packed with protein, fiber, and a variety of essential nutrients.

High in Nutrients

One of the main reasons lentil soup is loved by health enthusiasts is its nutrient density. Lentils are packed with important nutrients like carbohydrates, protein, and dietary fiber. These nutrients provide energy, support muscle building, and aid digestion.

Lentils also contain essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, vitamin C, and calcium. The addition of lemon juice and fresh parsley in our lentil soup recipe adds an extra boost of vitamin C.

Plus, lentils provide potassium, essential for maintaining heart and nerve function, and are low in cholesterol, which is great for heart health.

Heart Healthy

Lentil soup is a heart-healthy choice for several reasons. First, lentils are low in cholesterol, helping to maintain a healthy heart.

Second, the high dietary fiber content helps to support healthy cholesterol levels. Lastly, lentils are an excellent source of folic acid and magnesium, essential nutrients for heart health.

Good for Weight Control

Lentil soup is also an ally when it comes to weight control. High in dietary fiber and protein, it supports feelings of fullness. Plus, despite its low-calorie count (low kcal), lentil soup provides a satisfying, hearty meal.

What Are the Different Types of Lentils?

Now that you’re aware of the benefits, let’s talk about the types of lentils used in our Mediterranean-style lentil soup.

  • Red lentils are the sweetest and nuttiest of the lentils, and they cook down into a creamy, hearty stew — perfect for our soup recipe.
  • Green lentils have a slightly peppery flavor and maintain a firm texture even after cooking. They add a nice bite to the soup.
  • Brown lentils have a rich, earthy flavor and hold their shape well during cooking.
  • French lentils are known for their dark, bluish-slate-green color and robust flavor. French lentils remain firm after cooking and add a gourmet touch to any recipe.

Each type of lentil brings its own unique flavor and texture to the soup. Feel free to experiment and find out which one you like the best!

Core Ingredients for a Flavorful Mediterranean Lentil Soup

So, what’s needed to make our flavorful Mediterranean lentil soup? Here are the core ingredients you’ll need:

Base Ingredients

For a Mediterranean lentil soup that packs a punch, you’ll need these base ingredients: olive oil, diced yellow onion, cloves of garlic, diced tomatoes, and your lentils of choice. These ingredients lay the foundation of our soup, with olive oil providing heart-healthy fats and onion and garlic offering their characteristic aromatic flavor.


Incorporating veggies like sweet potato and an assortment of greens boosts the soup’s nutritional profile and enhances its taste and texture. Sweet potatoes, known for their high vitamin A content, add a hint of sweetness that beautifully contrasts the savory elements of the soup.


Your choice of broth can significantly influence the soup’s flavor. Vegetable broth works great for a vegan lentil soup, while chicken broth adds depth and a rich umami flavor. Both options are equally delicious, so choose what suits your dietary preferences best.


Spices are the heart of Mediterranean cuisine. Cumin, black pepper, coriander, paprika, turmeric, and a bay leaf are essential to achieve the soup’s characteristic warmth and depth of flavor. Remember to adjust the seasoning according to your taste.

Cooking Method

Now that we have covered the core ingredients, let’s discuss the cooking method for our flavorful Mediterranean lentil soup.

Prep Time

Start by rinsing your lentils and dicing your veggies. Your prep time will also involve sautéing the onion and garlic in olive oil over medium heat. This process helps release their aroma, infusing your soup with flavor from the beginning.

Cook Time

The cook time mainly involves simmering the lentils and veggies in your broth of choice on the stovetop. Cooking on medium heat allows the flavors to meld together. Don’t forget to stir occasionally to prevent the soup from sticking to the bottom of your large pot.

Total Time

Including prep and cooking time, your total time to make this delicious soup should be under an hour, which makes it an excellent choice for a comforting weeknight dinner.

Additional Cooking Options

Slow Cooker

For those with a little extra time, the slow cooker method is a great way to deepen the soup’s flavors. Simply combine all your ingredients in the slow cooker and let it work its magic.

Instant Pot

For an easy and quick lentil soup recipe, the Instant Pot is your best friend. This method drastically reduces the cooking time without compromising on the taste.

Immersion Blender

Want a creamier soup? Use an immersion blender to puree some of the soup, leaving a bit for texture. This helps to thicken the soup to your desired consistency.

Spicing it Up: Seasonings for Your Lentil Soup

Spices bring life to any recipe, and our lentil soup is no different. The essential spices for a true Mediterranean-style lentil soup are black pepper, coriander, paprika, turmeric, and a hint of red pepper flakes for some heat. Ground cumin and fresh cilantro are also excellent additions.

Remember, the key is to balance the flavors, so adjust according to your palate. If you prefer a milder soup, reduce red and black pepper flakes. For a more intense flavor, feel free to amp up the spices.

Making Your Lentil Soup Healthier and More Varied

Want to make a heartier bowl of lentil soup? Here are a few ideas:

Vegan Lentil Soup

For a vegan version, use vegetable broth instead of chicken broth. Enhance the soup’s flavor with a variety of veggies and spices. Also, add fresh lemon juice just before serving to brighten the flavors.

Italian Vegetable Soup

For an Italian twist, incorporate Italian herbs like oregano, thyme, and basil. Add in some extra diced veggies like zucchini and bell pepper for a hearty vegetable soup.

Gluten-Free and Nutrient-Dense

This lentil soup recipe is naturally gluten-free, making it an excellent choice for those with dietary restrictions. It’s packed with nutrients — calcium for bone health, potassium for heart health, and dietary fiber for digestion. Moreover, lentils are a great source of carbohydrates, providing you with sustained energy.

How To Serve and Store Your Lentil Soup

Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Serving: Serve your soup hot, garnished with fresh parsley and a squeeze of fresh lemon juice. For a hearty meal, pair it with a slice of crusty gluten-free bread.
  • Portioning: For serving size, a bowl of soup is usually sufficient for one person, but it can vary based on individual preferences.
  • Storing: Store leftover soup in an airtight container in the fridge for up to a week.
  • Freezing: You can also freeze the soup for up to three months. Just ensure it’s cooled completely before freezing.
  • Reheating: Reheat your soup on the stovetop over medium heat until it’s hot. If it’s too thick, add a bit of water or broth to reach your desired consistency.
  • Garnishing: Experiment with garnishes. Cilantro, a swirl of olive oil, or a sprinkle of red pepper flakes can change the soup’s flavor profile.


This Mediterranean-style lentil soup is a wholesome, flavorful, and satisfying dish, perfect for any day of the week. Easy to make, versatile, and brimming with health benefits, it captures the essence of Mediterranean cuisine. We hope this recipe becomes a cherished addition to your kitchen repertoire.

Remember, the best part of cooking is experimenting. So, don’t hesitate to try different types of lentils, add your favorite veggies, or play around with the spices.

Happy cooking!


Lentils | The Nutrition Source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Health Benefits of Lentils and Types | Cleveland Clinic

Everything You Need to Know About Lentils | 2016 International Year of Pulses

Lentils and Gluten | Frontiers